Thursday, December 14, 2006

Global GeoPolitics Worsening

The Coup d'Etat is tightening the reins, circling the wagons, defiling the electorate. Despite the overwhelming voice of the November elections, the 4th Reich's famous deciderer has decided to escalate. Time to increase the troops strength, because we can't leave without controlling the oil. Bush is not crazy (perhaps psychologically as so many columnists and bloggers intimidate) but his policy fits exactly with what he wishes to achieve. Smacks of a dark evil brilliance to me.

This is about oil, the black tar scum which has poisoned our civilization, and the addictive need to control it. That's exactly why, despite ongoing horror for the Iraqis, despite overwhelming repudiation at the papertrail-less machines and more recently in the polls, despite the cover provided by the brahmin Iraq Slow-Learners Group, despite the deterioration of even reality as we know it...

the Greatest Nation on the Face of the Earth, under God, without orgasm, will wreak further havoc in order to fan the apocalyptical flames of the MidEast exploding.

All for the black poison tar goo which enslaves us.

And when i think of how easy it is to make all our power from the same sun which gave us life, from the same winds which give our breath freshness, i can only cry...

and speak out! Wake up america. It's not about Rahm Emmanuel being not progressive enough, even if he's a shit. it's about stopping the madness which threatens to engulf the world far beyond San Frandisco and beltway faith-based immigration experts, far beyond the narrow confines of the Chamber of Teufelish commerce between Hillary's thighs, far beyond the Machiavellian world of Carlyle investing in both the US and Chinese weapons industries.

it's about all the soft seed of life which will be destroyed by the quest to secure our addiction. I've said this so often it hurts (though i never say it exactly the same) but i'll say it here again... the physics are simple.

Energy on earth is a closed system. Balance is solar energy in, work/heat out. Civilization's energy system is even more closed. it doesn't matter if you're Augusto Pinochet or Timothy Leary, Barbara Crowley Bush or Xeni Jardin, if you want toast in the morning you plug in the toaster... to a centralized energy system the vast majority of which is poison.

As the ultimate foundation of civilization, an energy system defines the civilization. Power a civilization from poison, the civilization is inherently poison. Power it from the source of life itself, civilization breathes in freedom and contentment, as the higher intelligence planned.

And for oil, the black tar goo which is the legacy of tens of millions of lifebreath years on earth, our inheritance, for medicines and feedstocks, this oil we burn and squander in an eyelash blink of history.

Look to the sun and winds, people, for rome is burning under the 24/7 self-conflagurating watchful media eye, and our limbs are stuck to the black tar goo that's pulling us down.

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