Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And You Thought You Knew Chaos

The catastrophe is worsening, and the limits of debate and potential solutions are held hostage to reality, which says the amurkan system is so broke that it must implode before it can begin to get healthy. Before this implosion can happen, however, amurka is highly likely to take down the rest of the world.

That's the thesis. What's the backstory? (Please remember i don't give cites here because one can't think for hirself without doing the research one's self.)

bush wants to increase the size of the military to fight the long war against the infidels.

The Joint chiefs of staph infections say we can't surge in Iraq without a mission with goals which can be monitored, and a plan to increase the broken military so it can surge.

Leaks from the military point to the Seymour Hersh scenario, itself an important hypothesis forgotten within the current blather, where the military is exploring ways to ramp up the confrontation with Iran. (if i'm the war president, i need a new war, the old one sucks.)

The recommendations from the Iraq Slow Learners Group have already been forgotten in the ensuing media bleat following the so-called administration's revelation of new talking points.

some dems are already beginning to go along with the increase. This of course means that the slim majority is also just a talking point.

The will of the people as expressed on “election” day in November (was it so long ago?) seems to have little to do with the discussion.

For those in power, Iraq is not a quagmire, it's just a bit nasty, but the game plan is working perfectly, because we still sit on the oil to sell or hold as we choose.

Simple. So what's the upshot?

Don't worry, american democracy, we're doing this for your security. (Trans: fuck you amurka, you can thank us later, though we won't be listening even then, except to accept your public accolades for continued driveability.)

So we have a “situation” where the amurkan public has decidered that Iraq is enough, bring the boys home. But they didn't think it through far enough. There's a real reason why the “government” of the us is not listening to the people who pay its bills. Because they're not interested in what you think.

The political process in amurka, and the blogs and media and commenters, like to belive that the democrats made inroads against the coup d'etat in the last election. Please tell me what it means if the Dems pass laws defunding Iraq, and they're vetoed, and the coup decides to further provoke another Gulf of Tonkin with Iran?

Flash Cut Wide View: the courts and even the Supremes are packed (and even Diana Ross at the end couldn't forget the power of the Supremes and Motown) so who you gonna sue? Who among you still believe that our Constitution will save us? An undermined constitution is no protection against such willful and planned malevolence.

So, the amurkans have voted enough is indeed enough, and the coup has decided that enough is enough... but the enoughs are different by an order of magnitude.

The people decided this shit can't go on. The coup has decided this shit can't go on at this low level, and is currently ramping up to make more shit. To which eye infer, the people don't matter, controlling the black goo does. And if we can save the black goo in Iraq by going after the black poison goo in Iran, then so be it.

And the dems will do what? And the people will do what? When was the last time you saw an article about Cindy Sheehan that wasn't a negative, about her being arrested? Do you really think Fitz nailing Libby is going to stop this world degradation?

We don't want no war, and the response is escalation, reversing the Vietnam syndrome. (There, the advisors weren't enough, we needed frontline troops. Here, the frontline troops aren't enough, we need more advisors to the world famous defenders of freedom Iraqi troops and policemensa.)

Excuse me, but am i blind?

The same people who refused to provide to their employers the “notes” from the chainey energy consortium are going to listen to Mr. Waxman's subpoenas? The same court which enabled the coup, recently repacked, is going to rule against the powers of the enabler in chief?

This coming explosion will destabilize everything, and for those of you who can really understand english, everything means at minimum quite a lot.

Inpeachment is off the table she said. What seems to be on the table is nukular conflagration.

So i come back to the idea that the system is so broken we have to stop funding it. Isn't that a positive goal?

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