Thursday, February 22, 2007

The First Image I've Ever Uploaded

Shout Out! to the native artist, BunkHaus. You Rule Skin!


Albatross said...

Hey man! I'm liveblogging with you on Firedog and saw your Germany mention.

Where are you at? We spent August in Neumarkt down by Nuremberg...

HotFlash said...

Randy, m'dear, long time and all that.

This is in re an article by Babaloo on August 22, 07 on firedoglake.

You know Jerry McNerny, if I am not mistaken, he was a teacher or sommat? I gave him bucks and shouted hurrah when he won. Do you think this is accurate? If simpler, email me at hotflash.hotflash*at*


PS Chief Yoda, zehr kuhl!

Anonymous said...

How fitting that I should come 'home' via news of Gore's 'moon-shot' alt-energy speech, and following the comment links I could
have sworn I knew who Crazy Horse was.....
Lo, and behold I was right!

I don't know whether you ever tune in to your own blog, seeing it's been awhile since there were any entries (which doesn't surprise me because you're obviously active in other ways). I'll just have to email you!!
