Friday, November 03, 2006

america, rethuglican style, imploding? A SUSTAINABLE ANSWER

i could write about the years of shaking my head in horror at all that's gone on in america, the descent from two hundred years of relatively crooked politics into the mudslinging, illegal shit over the past decades, to the horror of the Bush coup d'etat. But this election cycle, especially from the perspective of seeing it all from Europe, has my head spinning at the level of horrendous shit which shows up every ten minutes on the internets.

Sure i'm thrilled the laws of instant karma are working overtime, the implosion of those controlling congress and the rapture-based sects is a hopeful sign. With all their down on their knees to global business, i've never been much of a dem, but in what passes for a political system in america the only reality right now is to at least have a return to checks and balances. We can fast-forward to the progressive agenda after we've taken that step. We've got to get John Conyers heading Juidiciary, simple as that.

But what to make of the increasing reports that the voting macacachines have already been hacked, and all the trap doors remain open? One blogger even asked Joe Wilson at a campaign event if he believed these guys would stoop to martial law or some such (not to mention staging a terrorist attack or a Tonkin Iran event.) Is there hope that the will of the people will actually be followed, or is america too far gone?

(total funds for mid-term '06, 527 groups inclusive are even more than 2004, i mean the level at which politics is merely an exercise in obscene funding. it could never happen in Germany, where campaigns have tight regulations which keep electioneering nearly civil.)

Even if the dems take both houses, america has a long, long way to go to save the democracy. From Europe, it's looks like we're watching a replay of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, only 24x speed. Will Bosnia or Kazachstan send election monitors to see if blacks and immigrants really have to face 8 hr lines, while rethuglican districts have limo ride-sharing and pre-reserved places at the diebold table?

Don't get me wrong, any nation which can produce Hank Williams and Tupac Shakur might have some heart left. I was going to make a Paris Hilton joke, but then i realized what i really wanted to do was pound rush limbag's expanding stomach with my strong fists about a hundred times, then have a serious civil debate about torture.

america is already the laughing stock of the entire world, and unless you've spent serious time abroad you don't see how strong the mistrust, the fear, the open-mouthed incredulity. Yes you can, you know from yesterday's survey that Bush is between Osama and Kim Il-Fit as the second most dangerous man on the planet

What i search for is the american Gandhi. ich denke i have a clue. All of the issues regarding how to fix the country have to have a foundation on a complete transformation of the basis of the economy. the pundits can talk about the housing bubble all they want, but the heart of any economy is energy cost. When one includes the military costs of securing energy pipelines, not to mention controlling energy sources, one sees that energy costs are indeed the foundation of the economy. america's economy is based upon global control of a poison energy source. ipso facto, it makes for a poison society. switch to healthy renewable energy, and the entire society is changed.

suddenly, the foundation of society is no longer poison.

Europe and Japan are already far ahead in all the technologies which comprise a sustainable future for us. the governments have already embarked on a far-thinking program of being technological leaders throughout the world. Perhaps an Apollo program of renewable energy in the US could retake the lead, but what the fuck, why not just join the other leading countries in giving our civilization a chance?

A completely sustainable economy is the only foundation by which this civilization can begin to heal the wounds of the sickness that's destroyed democracy.

Phil Ochs is singing "A Small Circle of Friends" at this moment. So obvious, the truth of the sixties, not the media version, in combination with all the technical savvy we've learned during the birth of the information age is perhaps enough to get the ball rolling.

Would any of my readers (if there was one) be able to calculate just how many american jobs would be created just to truck tower sections for all the windmills which should be built in the next decades? That doesn't include all the jobs from making the turbines, or financing the deals, developing the projects or retorqueing the gearbox bolts. and that's just windpower! (We're not even talking about the jobs created in all the other countries of the world)

You see where i'm going. There is an issue which should be the salvation of a sick america. It contains the answers, it contains the hope and dreams, and it's no longer a vision... it's the only reality left.

How else will the american economy reconcile itself with the native peoples who understood how to live in harmony here? (That's because Dylan's singing "Drunken Ira Hayes" while i remember all my indian friends who are opening the American Indian Film Fest in San Frandisco tonite.)

Jesus H christ, Beck and Emmylou Harris are singing Gram Parsons trying to keep out the lord's burning flame, i better go get a glass of red whine.

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