Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Revenge of Gaia Redux

The Gaia hypothesis, which posits that the systems of the earth are conscious, and interconnected, struck a strong chord within the mind of the Global Village Idiot. Was that the late 70's, or later, i don't remember. But i do remember that James Lovelock's name was forever struck in my brain. As was Gaia, which my native families have always called, since time immemorial, Mother Earth. (Perhaps Lovelock had done a bit of reading of native thought?)

Now he's saying that without a huge reversal, the majority of the earth's population will not make it to the next century. Global warming being the method of Gaia's revenge, not that Gaia made global warming, but that the human civilization fucked up a bit, and the system will take it's revenge according to natural law.

I think it goes something like this: If you fuck with my cycles, just like the vast majority of all fish in the North See are now feminine from too many leaking estrogen chemicals, then Mama Earth has no choice but to react.

Another version says the physics are simple; too much heat in, then too many changes to the existing (finely tuned) infrastructure. For a few billion years there was a natural balance of the heat in/heat out structure, of course with local variations; now we have a few new external factors altering the classic equation... leading to Lovelock's Revenge theory.

There's something strange which seems to be the same science but which Lovelock, despite his excellent scientific credentials and supranormal ability to see what Indians have known for centuries, seems to have overlooked. And that is simply defined by his answer: we must agressively develop nuclear power.

If i were a scientist of Lovelock's caliber, i would simply ask him to objectively examine the entire cycle of nuclear costs, including from the beginning of mining through the entire fuel and construction and waste and water cooling and storage and decommissioning cycle, and add to that the entire economic calculation of protecting the waste for how many tens of thousands of years from a civilization which has yet shown little ability to make a peaceful decade, and if he can then show that the costs and risks are worth it....

....well then i would give him much more credibility and still show him that windpower, as the first mature part of the solar equation which we must follow, is even more cost effective. I would also report to him that in my direct conversations with Mother Earth, she said she likes the name Gaia, and will always honor the earthling who coined her favority mundane name...

....but she wishes he would dig a bit deeper, because she feels better nurturing a planetary ecology based upon the same sources upon which life is built. While eye can't speak for her, it seems she was talking about solar energy, without which there is no life here. Winds are solar heat differential caused, i've learned from the climatological types, and windpower is only the most mature of all the solar technologies, my speciality. Methinks she was talking about that.

Hey... Heya heya Heh! When my momma speaks, her being a few billion years older als mich, i like to listen... and the guy who named her ought to listen as well. After all, it's Solstice Evening, and the entire Gaian World is revelling in the ancient holy ceremony. The most holy death and rebirth cycle without which there is no Gaia.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And You Thought You Knew Chaos

The catastrophe is worsening, and the limits of debate and potential solutions are held hostage to reality, which says the amurkan system is so broke that it must implode before it can begin to get healthy. Before this implosion can happen, however, amurka is highly likely to take down the rest of the world.

That's the thesis. What's the backstory? (Please remember i don't give cites here because one can't think for hirself without doing the research one's self.)

bush wants to increase the size of the military to fight the long war against the infidels.

The Joint chiefs of staph infections say we can't surge in Iraq without a mission with goals which can be monitored, and a plan to increase the broken military so it can surge.

Leaks from the military point to the Seymour Hersh scenario, itself an important hypothesis forgotten within the current blather, where the military is exploring ways to ramp up the confrontation with Iran. (if i'm the war president, i need a new war, the old one sucks.)

The recommendations from the Iraq Slow Learners Group have already been forgotten in the ensuing media bleat following the so-called administration's revelation of new talking points.

some dems are already beginning to go along with the increase. This of course means that the slim majority is also just a talking point.

The will of the people as expressed on “election” day in November (was it so long ago?) seems to have little to do with the discussion.

For those in power, Iraq is not a quagmire, it's just a bit nasty, but the game plan is working perfectly, because we still sit on the oil to sell or hold as we choose.

Simple. So what's the upshot?

Don't worry, american democracy, we're doing this for your security. (Trans: fuck you amurka, you can thank us later, though we won't be listening even then, except to accept your public accolades for continued driveability.)

So we have a “situation” where the amurkan public has decidered that Iraq is enough, bring the boys home. But they didn't think it through far enough. There's a real reason why the “government” of the us is not listening to the people who pay its bills. Because they're not interested in what you think.

The political process in amurka, and the blogs and media and commenters, like to belive that the democrats made inroads against the coup d'etat in the last election. Please tell me what it means if the Dems pass laws defunding Iraq, and they're vetoed, and the coup decides to further provoke another Gulf of Tonkin with Iran?

Flash Cut Wide View: the courts and even the Supremes are packed (and even Diana Ross at the end couldn't forget the power of the Supremes and Motown) so who you gonna sue? Who among you still believe that our Constitution will save us? An undermined constitution is no protection against such willful and planned malevolence.

So, the amurkans have voted enough is indeed enough, and the coup has decided that enough is enough... but the enoughs are different by an order of magnitude.

The people decided this shit can't go on. The coup has decided this shit can't go on at this low level, and is currently ramping up to make more shit. To which eye infer, the people don't matter, controlling the black goo does. And if we can save the black goo in Iraq by going after the black poison goo in Iran, then so be it.

And the dems will do what? And the people will do what? When was the last time you saw an article about Cindy Sheehan that wasn't a negative, about her being arrested? Do you really think Fitz nailing Libby is going to stop this world degradation?

We don't want no war, and the response is escalation, reversing the Vietnam syndrome. (There, the advisors weren't enough, we needed frontline troops. Here, the frontline troops aren't enough, we need more advisors to the world famous defenders of freedom Iraqi troops and policemensa.)

Excuse me, but am i blind?

The same people who refused to provide to their employers the “notes” from the chainey energy consortium are going to listen to Mr. Waxman's subpoenas? The same court which enabled the coup, recently repacked, is going to rule against the powers of the enabler in chief?

This coming explosion will destabilize everything, and for those of you who can really understand english, everything means at minimum quite a lot.

Inpeachment is off the table she said. What seems to be on the table is nukular conflagration.

So i come back to the idea that the system is so broken we have to stop funding it. Isn't that a positive goal?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Short Repost 'Cuz You Mighta Missed It

Last thought before elections (NOT!): Don't be AFRAID of martial law, but prepare yourselves for the advent of... THE SUSHI POLICE!

What's our world cumming on without cucumber tempura? Or SlicedTooThickFish?

By the way, here's a littlebittyitty about the new world tour drinking show that debuts on some British teevee channel tomorrow:

and you thought IWASDRUNK?

Global GeoPolitics Worsening

The Coup d'Etat is tightening the reins, circling the wagons, defiling the electorate. Despite the overwhelming voice of the November elections, the 4th Reich's famous deciderer has decided to escalate. Time to increase the troops strength, because we can't leave without controlling the oil. Bush is not crazy (perhaps psychologically as so many columnists and bloggers intimidate) but his policy fits exactly with what he wishes to achieve. Smacks of a dark evil brilliance to me.

This is about oil, the black tar scum which has poisoned our civilization, and the addictive need to control it. That's exactly why, despite ongoing horror for the Iraqis, despite overwhelming repudiation at the papertrail-less machines and more recently in the polls, despite the cover provided by the brahmin Iraq Slow-Learners Group, despite the deterioration of even reality as we know it...

the Greatest Nation on the Face of the Earth, under God, without orgasm, will wreak further havoc in order to fan the apocalyptical flames of the MidEast exploding.

All for the black poison tar goo which enslaves us.

And when i think of how easy it is to make all our power from the same sun which gave us life, from the same winds which give our breath freshness, i can only cry...

and speak out! Wake up america. It's not about Rahm Emmanuel being not progressive enough, even if he's a shit. it's about stopping the madness which threatens to engulf the world far beyond San Frandisco and beltway faith-based immigration experts, far beyond the narrow confines of the Chamber of Teufelish commerce between Hillary's thighs, far beyond the Machiavellian world of Carlyle investing in both the US and Chinese weapons industries.

it's about all the soft seed of life which will be destroyed by the quest to secure our addiction. I've said this so often it hurts (though i never say it exactly the same) but i'll say it here again... the physics are simple.

Energy on earth is a closed system. Balance is solar energy in, work/heat out. Civilization's energy system is even more closed. it doesn't matter if you're Augusto Pinochet or Timothy Leary, Barbara Crowley Bush or Xeni Jardin, if you want toast in the morning you plug in the toaster... to a centralized energy system the vast majority of which is poison.

As the ultimate foundation of civilization, an energy system defines the civilization. Power a civilization from poison, the civilization is inherently poison. Power it from the source of life itself, civilization breathes in freedom and contentment, as the higher intelligence planned.

And for oil, the black tar goo which is the legacy of tens of millions of lifebreath years on earth, our inheritance, for medicines and feedstocks, this oil we burn and squander in an eyelash blink of history.

Look to the sun and winds, people, for rome is burning under the 24/7 self-conflagurating watchful media eye, and our limbs are stuck to the black tar goo that's pulling us down.

Congress Extends Windpower Credit

(Ed. note: We have tried to get the Global Village Idiot to write conventional, insightful energy analyses, including his three decade background at executive levels of the windpower industry. We have nothing against his wannabe-Miller-Joycean rants, but we always felt he should let readers know his serious expertise and experience in matters windkraft. He has resisted this with unearthly strength, thus we are surprised to find the following post in our inbox. And you should take advantage, for we don't know when this insight might appear again.)

The congress of the united states of america, in all its infinite wisdom, has extended a series of renewable energy funding mechanisms. The Production Tax Credit for windpower, currently at $19/MWH for windpower, has been extended to 2008. The upshot of this for windpower business is significant.

The US has been plagued by horrendous boom and bust cycles dependent upon the federal whims, such that the industry could not commit to long term manufacturing facilities, for example, without which further cost-cutting was impossible. Some manufacturers took the risk, others prudently avoided same.

Now the foundation has been set, with the industry stable since the end of 2004. The extension to 2008 means that companies can begin to invest prudently in long term facilities. Investment can begin to flow in more orderly fashion, and project development can begin to take economies of scale.

Further, and more surprising, this will place the US market firmly at the head of the global expansion. It is now very possible that the US will overtake Germany by 2008 with the highest installed capacity. Such expansion will also allow more US investment into US firms entering into the global markets, where they are a decided disadvantage.

Finally, this is evidence of the strength of bipartisan support for windpower in the Congress. That should allow for either strong support of a further long term extension of the PTC, likely for the last time, or a supplanting measure such as a Renewable Portfolio Standard with teeth

As one who has led off some of his global speeches blatantly criticizing american energy policy, stating that america produced in 25 years less than half what Germany produced in 12 years, despite the difference in per capita energy consumption, i'm pleasantly shocked. America is far behind the windpower technology curve, but perhaps they can now join the global industrial community which will force the acceleration to renewables far faster than before... if still not fast enough.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Coming Soon: The Rahm Emmanuel FDL Memorial Blog

Thankfully, i was right to wait for my post election comments, for i've learned a lot. And soon, if you can wait, we'll discuss the attacks on Rahmen Noodle Hussein Immamuel, who seems to be getting dissed just because he's a shit. I'll discuss how despite his being a shit (Can you say Shi'ite on the net?) he's worthy of triangulation.

But before i do, i want to answer Oklahoma Kiddo, who asked: "What makes Hillary run?"

I can only say, if she ate too many loose avocadoes, no, false, it's the powerful thighs and elephant calves.

I don't want her, nor do i want Emmanuel. But why are we eating our own?

Thankfully, i'm not ready to post the real answer. But i will soon give you all my background on why i really am a wind energy expert. It will be sooner than a friedman i promise.